I am a PhD Candidate at the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and Paris 1 University, under the supervision of Laurent Gobillon (PSE) and Pierre-Philippe Combes (Sciences Po).
Starting in September 2023, I am also a research assistant at the LIEPP (Sciences Po). My work is supported by Fondation Palladio. I visited Wharton during Spring 2023.
My research interests lie at the intersection between urban economics, environmental economics, and political economy. Currently, I study how land use regulations impact housing markets in France.
I enjoy working with geospatial data, and I post some snapshots of the data I am working with on this page.
You can find my CV here.
You can follow me on Twitter : @jpaulventurine
Don't hesitate to reach out at julia.paul-venturine [at] psemail.eu